Life is better in community. To keep our souls healthy, we need people around us who will point us to God. 

If you're looking to get connected, meet new people and grow in your faith in Jesus, life groups are one of the best ways to do that! Whatever your season of life, we have a group for you. We have groups meeting all over New Castle County as well as virtually throughout the week.

We know that in any group you join, you will grow in your relationship & understanding of God and develop deeper friendships with others. To connect to a Life Group contact Crissy Carroll

Group Like Jesus

It can feel impossible to live like Jesus in a world that seems so different from the one He lived in.  How did He do it? Constant connection with God and a group of good friends. With this He changed the world and He calls us to do the same!

Grab a couple friends and look into the Bible together. That's all it takes to start a group, you + 2 others, meeting to grow in knowledge of God - side by side.  We have resources to get you started!

"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.  If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble."     -Ecclesiastes 4:9-10


GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.

Meeting: 1st & 3rd Saturdays from 3-5:00pm

Contact: Gwen Montague 302.836.2862 x37 or Vaugh Montague at

men's fellowship, church, breakfast, Bible study, men's groups, Delaware, 19701

Men's Dinner

Join men of the church for dinner and fellowship. 

Meeting: 1st  Wednesday of each month at 6 pm

Contact: Kevin Sturgis at 302.824.5625 

Men's Breakfast

Join men of the church for a cooked breakfast and fellowship. 

Meeting: 3rd Saturday of each month 

Contact: Bryce Maynard at 302.546.9388

Men’s General Bible Study 

This group welcomes tough questions and in-depth discussions on the Christian life.

Meeting Time: Tuesday evenings 

Contact: Doug Kinnear 315.576.9093

Men's Softball

Contact: Bryce Maynard at 302.546.9388

Women's Breakfast

Ladies, join us for breakfast and fellowship. 

Bring a dish to share if you'd like!

Meeting: 4th Saturday of the month 

Contact: Crissy Carroll

Women's Events

Monthly events for women of CtC to connect.

Contact: Gwen Montague 836-2862 x37

Women of the Word

Daily Bible reading challenge and small group.  Read the Bible with us!  If you'd like a copy of the reading plan used please text Crissy (info below).

All women welcome!

Contact: text Crissy 302.357.6952

Seeing Beautiful Again

This group goes through Lisa Terkeurst's book, Seeing Beautiful Again, to discover God's comfort in difficult seasons of life.

Meeting: Wednesdays at 7 pm

Contact: text Crissy 302.357.6952

Hearing God's Voice

10 week video and discussion series on Sundays.

Two meeting times and locations to choose from:

10:45 am - 12:30 pm at CtC Bear Campus


6:00 - 7:30 pm at the Hudson's home in Smyrna

Sherri and Barry Hudson


Faith in Film Group

A life group study on a new film every 4 weeks. 

Each week we watch 30 minutes of the film and discuss related scripture.

Fridays at 6:30 pm 

Noel and Angela Williamson

Delaware City home

Contact Noel at 302.650.4429

Emotionally Healthy Relationships

A powerful 8-week journey that will forever change the way you love God, yourself and others.

Coming up during Lent!

Bear Campus

Pastor Roger 836.2862

Crissy Carroll

Help is Here by Max Lucado

Finding Fresh Strength and Purpose in the Power of the Holy Spirit

2 meeting opportunities,

Sunday Morning Bible Study at the Elsmere campus 9:30 am 


The Wednesday Bible Group at 10 am

Joyce Maack  302.998.4518

Beyond Zoom Meeting

It is an opportunity to connect, talk about the message from the weekend, and spend time in prayer together with Pastor Richard.

Pastor Richard

Meeting Time: 7 pm, Monday

 Zoom ID 841 206 2425

Sunday Morning Group

This group meets weekly Sunday mornings to study the Bible and have interesting discussion about the reading.  

Bev Martin 302.893.8506

Sundays, 8 am

Youth Group 

Youth group meets weekly on Sunday evening. Students, grades 7-12, have a time to reflect on the morning sermon, a Bible passage or the life of a missionary or leader in the faith.  There is also time for games, activities or service projects. Dinner is served. 

Our prayer is that this would be a time of discipleship which would strengthen the youth in their faith and help them be rooted and grounded in God's love for them.

Contact: Daniel Carroll - text 302.367.4524 or email

Meeting Time: Sunday at 5:30 pm

Meeting Location: Bear, DE

Wednesday Morning Prayer Group 

Join us Wednesday mornings to pray for those in need of prayer. 

Contact: Tim Slagle 

Meeting Time: Wednesdays at 7 am

Meeting Location: Bear Campus, Celebration Room 

For: All ages and stages

Wednesday Evening Prayer Group 

Join us Wednesday evenings to pray for those in need of prayer. 

Contact: Pastor Vaughn, Linda Horan or Fran Stone

836-2862 x41

Meeting Time: Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

Meets via Zoom - ID 672 053 0101

For: All ages and stages

Friday Morning Drive-Thru Prayer

***will resume in the Spring***

Join us Friday mornings to pray for those in need of prayer. 

Contact: Linda  Horan  836-2862 x41

Meeting Location: Bear Campus

For: All ages and stages

Prayer/Visitation Training

Contact: Linda Horan

Meeting Time: Last Thursday of the month, 6-7 pm

Meeting Location: Bear Campus

Knitting and Crocheting for Charity

Knit or crochet various items, baby blankets, hats, adult scarves or shawls, all to be donated to local organizations to meet needs in our community. Regardless of skill or materials please join anyway! Materials and instruction can be provided!

2nd and 4th Sunday of the month 

12:20 pm

Contact: Nikki Dibuono 814.659.4581

Hope Lunch

Wednesdays at 11am

Hot lunch served to members of the community along with a devotional and worship time.

Contact: Lynne Poindexter

Serving at Churchman’s Village

We are always looking for volunteers to help with “Showers of Blessings”  the 2nd Sunday of each month.

Contact: Vaughn Montague at 302.359.2033, OR Lynne Poindexter at 302.836.2862 ext. 45

Emmanuel Dining Room

Ministry of Elsmere Campus, 5th Tuesdays 

Contact: Steve Davis at 302.998.4584

Prayer & Visitation Training

Join us on the 3rd Saturday of the month from 1-2pm for training on praying at prayer stations as well as how to do hospital visitation in ways that are encouraging and respectful.

Contact: Vaughn Montague at 302.359.2033

Sunday morning, Bible Study, church, delaware, coffee, bible, friends, fellowship

Click the link below for a listing of active Life Groups!

These leaders would be happy to hear from you, contact one of them today!

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